• 031 43 44 300

Blockage Repair

Blockage Repair

The conduits we having running in the ground below us can often become blocked, this can be due to debris, breakage or even congestion with the more cables being added.

Generally conduit can range between 20mm – 100mm in diameter, this can mean that on occasion we find the blockage repair may not be the best option, and a new duct should be laid to compensate, this will often be determined onsite during our scoping stage preferably, however on occasion this will be something we cannot foresee until we are actively attempting repair. Where possible a simple High Pressure Water Flush can be performed which can be enough to clear through the blocked area, however if this is unsuccessful we would need to locate the blockage, dig down to the conduit, cut out a small section enough to clear the congestion/blockage and repair the conduit.